University of Montpellier, leading IMPACTIVE and lab synthesis

Our project leader, the University of Montpellier, juggles many tasks. They coordinate smooth collaboration among partners, while leading the development of innovative mechanochemical methods at a lab scale.

Join IMPACTIVE at ESOF2024 event this month!

On 13 and 14 June, IMPACTIVE will attend the EuroScience Open Forum 2024, held in Poland, with an exciting session about green pharma.

Who is behind IMPACTIVE? Discover our partners!

IMPACTIVE is a very ambitious project, with members of the greatest background diversity. Altogether, we want to get rid of the solvents in the current pharmaceutical processes and substitute them with mechanochemistry, a greener, more sustainable approach.

IMPACTIVE celebrates its annual meeting in Lisbon

After twelve months of collaboration, the IMPACTIVE project partners have celebrated a meeting in Lisbon, hosted by Portuguese partner IST-ID. The discussions delved into the developments of new mechanochemical methods, as well as useful strategies towards the protection of intellectual property towards commercialisation.

IMPACTIVE: mechanochemistry for greener pharmaceuticals

Have you ever thought about the environmental impact of the pills we take? We have, and we want to do something about it. From the different techniques we use, to the environmental analyses we perform, this article unravels all you need to know about IMPACTIVE.

Mashing molecules: an innovative solution towards greener pharmaceuticals

IMPACTIVE is a project funded by Horizon Europe to study the possibilities of mechanochemistry in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients. This initiative counts on 17 partners in academia and industry, which will work together towards green production processes to increase sustainability and reinforce the European supply chain.

IMPACTIVE holds kick-off meeting in Montpellier

IMPACTIVE held its official kick-off meeting in Montpellier. The project will make mechanochemistry an industrial reality, to reduce the carbon emissions of the pharmaceutical industry.

Our website is live!

IMPACTIVE launches its brand-new website, an online hub to find all the updates about our project, results, and activities